Сцена из фильма.
Ж/Д. Мост. Идет девушка, а за ней мужчина.
Из-за спины идущих надвигается поезд. Тревожный гудок локомотива. Девушка отходитв сторону и разворачивается на звук поезда. Мужчина позади девушки.
Сельма (Бьорк): Поезд идет, сойди с пути, Джеф... Отойди в сторону (прижимается к опоре моста). Осторожно!
Джеф: Ты ничего не видишь?
Сельма: (Разворачивается лицом к Джефу. Потом отводит взгляд...) А на что смотреть-то? Гудок поезда.Сельма снимает свои очки, складывает их и... ...И начинает петь, кидая их в воду... I've seen it all
I have seen the trees
I have seen the willow leaves
Dancing in the breeze I've seen a man killed
By his best friend,
And lives that were over
Before they were spent. I've seen what I was
And I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
There is no more to see You haven't seen elephants
Kings or peru I'm happy to say
I had better to do What about china?
Have you seen the great wall? All walls are great
If the roof doesn't fall
And the man you will marry
The home you will share To be honest
I really don't care I've seen it all
I've seen the dark
I've seen the brightness
In one little spark
I've seen what I chose
And I've seen what I need
And that is enough
To want more would be greed
I've seen what I was
And I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
There is no more to see You've seen it all
And all you have seen
You can always review on
Your own little screen
The light and the dark
The big and the small
Just keep in mind
You need no more at all You've seen what you were
And know what you'll be
You've seen it all
There is no more to see